How Can You Correct a Squint?

The human eye is a very complicated organ, and with such complexity, problems can arise. Sometimes, for example, one of the eyes may tend to look in a different direction to the other, which is more commonly known as a squint. This condition is not unusual, and experts are not entirely sure of its cause, but the good news is that you can treat it in several different ways. What do you need to know about the options?

Developing Condition

Many children will develop a squint during their formative years, but the condition can also come on in adulthood. When it happens, one of the eyes may look upwards, downwards or to either side as the other eye remains in its usual position. This problem can sometimes give the patient double vision or in the worst scenario can lead to a deterioration in the quality of the vision from the affected eye. Also, some people may be very self-conscious about their appearance and will want to make changes as soon as they can.


While the brain will get used to these conflicting signals and will gradually compensate, it is a good idea to treat the condition to try and rectify. The patient should talk with their optician first and foremost to explore the options, but if the condition is more constant than intermittent, they will usually recommend some form of treatment.

Eye Exercises

Sometimes, the condition is relatively mild and may be treatable through a course of eye exercises. However, corrective surgery is also an option and especially if the patient is suffering from double vision.

Corrective Surgery

Surgery to correct a squint is typically done on an outpatient basis. During the procedure, the surgeon will alter the position, or tighten some of the muscles which affect the position of the eye. Once they are happy with the adjustment, they will apply some stitches to keep the muscles in place. You may need further adjustments in order to fine-tune the procedure, based on subsequent examinations.

Following up

Generally speaking, you can expect to make a reasonably quick recovery from this type of surgery. However, there may be discomfort in the hours or first few days after the procedure. Complications are rare, although you may experience some double vision as the effects wear off.

Moving Forward

If you want to deal with a squint in one of your eyes as soon as possible, talk with an eye surgeon for further details.

About Me

Home Rememedies for conjuntivtis and Other Eye Issues

Hi, my name is Sally, and I have worn glasses for over three decades. In that time, I have suffered from a range of infections, including conjunctivitis. I have learned how to treat this issue at home and have learned how to identify when it's time to contact the optometrist as well. One of my children also had a lazy eye, and we worked at home doing a number of exercises to correct it. I love to write so decided to make this blog. It is going to cover a range of eye-related issues and how to treat them at home. I hope it entertains and informs you.
