How to Prepare for Your Next Eye Examination

Checking your eyesight regularly is one of the best ways to preserve it. How often you'll need an eye examination will depend on your current visual state. Your ophthalmologist will usually advise you about this at each exam. If you haven't had one for a while, here's how to prepare.

Consider Your Past Medical History

At your eye exam, your doctor may ask a series of questions about both your vision and your past medical history. Some questions may seem relevant. For example, they'll ask you to describe any problems you've had with your vision recently, or they might inquire about headaches. Other questions may not seem that closely related to your eyesight, such as whether you have certain conditions. Before heading to your appointment, consider any recent symptoms you've experienced. That way, you'll recall everything when this part of your examination happens.

Take Your Glasses With You

If you currently wear glasses and/or contact lenses, take them with you. Without them, it's difficult to assess whether you're using the right prescription. This is especially important if you have a condition that's likely to affect your eyesight, such as diabetes or high blood pressure. If you use prescription sunglasses, make sure you take them with you too. In addition to your opthalmologist checking them, you may need to wear them on your journey home. If your opthalmologist uses an eye-dilating solution, your eye will be extra sensitive to sunlight. 

Prepare for Pressure Tests

Some people feel squeamish about others touching their eyes. However, an important part of any eye examination is the pressure test. The pressure test checks your intraocular pressure. Alongside alerting your opthalmologist to potential visual concerns, it may show signs of an undiagnosed underlying condition. For example, one of the first signs of high blood pressure can be elevated intraocular pressure. If pressure tests worry you, try to get your appointment out of the way early in the morning. Stress surrounding appointments can build as your day goes on. Because of this, it makes sense to do yours in the morning. You may also want to try relaxation techniques or discuss your anxiety with your opthalmologist. 

Finally, make sure you leave plenty of time before and after your eye exam. Having enough time to get to your appointment can prevent you from feeling stressed. You may also need time to discuss the results and your next steps once the examination concludes.

For more information about eye examinations, contact a local eye doctor.

About Me

Home Rememedies for conjuntivtis and Other Eye Issues

Hi, my name is Sally, and I have worn glasses for over three decades. In that time, I have suffered from a range of infections, including conjunctivitis. I have learned how to treat this issue at home and have learned how to identify when it's time to contact the optometrist as well. One of my children also had a lazy eye, and we worked at home doing a number of exercises to correct it. I love to write so decided to make this blog. It is going to cover a range of eye-related issues and how to treat them at home. I hope it entertains and informs you.
